Personal Trainer
@ ₹14160
(₹12,000 + GST)
Course Summary
- Total duration : 30-45 days
- 48 Hours of learning
- Per classs duaration : 2 hours
- Complete Muscular and Skeletal Anatomy
- Science based Exercises for each muscle group
- Conducting Fitness Assessment – Cardio, Strength, Endurance, Power and Flexibility
- Designing an effective Fitness Program
- Developing rapport with clients, Client Motivation Techniques, how to keep the clients engaged and ensure adherence to fitness programs
- Dealing with Injuries – Back, Knee, Shoulder etc
- Handling Clients with Medical Issues: Hypertension, Diabetes, PCOS
- Handling Emergency at the Gym
- Business Aspects of Personal Training – Marketing, Finance and Pricing

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